True Love in Difficulty
May 22, 2020![]() |
Alessandro Manzoni |
Alessandro Manzoni
(1785–1873). I Promessi Sposi.
Vol. 21, pp. 7-24 of
The Harvard Classics
Because of a fancy
for a peasant girl, the tyrannical lord of an Italian village sent
desperadoes to threaten the priest if he married the girl to her
village lover.
(Manzoni died May
22, 1873.)
THAT branch of the lake
of Como, which extends towards the south, is enclosed by two unbroken
chains of mountains, which, as they advance and recede, diversify its
shores with numerous bays and inlets. Suddenly the lake contracts
itself, and takes the course and form of a river, between a
promontory on the right, and a wide open shore on the opposite side.
The bridge which there joins the two banks seems to render this
transformation more sensible to the eye, and marks the point where
the lake ends, and the Adda again begins—soon to resume the name of
the lake, where the banks receding afresh, allow the water to extend
and spread itself in new gulfs and bays.
The open country, bordering the lake,
formed of the alluvial deposits of three great torrents, reclines
upon the roots of two contiguous mountains, one named San Martino,
the other, in the Lombard dialect, Il Resegone, because
of its many peaks seen in profile, which in truth resemble the teeth
of a saw so much so, that no one at first sight, viewing it in front
(as, for example, from the northern bastions of Milan), could fail to
distinguish it by this simple description, from the other mountains
of more obscure name and ordinary form in that long and vast chain.
For a considerable distance the country rises with a gentle and
continuous ascent; afterwards it is broken into hill and dale,
terraces and elevated plains, formed by the intertwining of the roots
of the two mountains, and the action of the waters. The shore itself,
intersected by the torrents, consists for the most part of gravel and
large flints; the rest of the plain, of fields and vineyards,
interspersed with towns, villages, and hamlets: other parts are
clothed with woods, extending far up the mountain.
Lecco, the principal of these towns,
giving its name to the territory, is at a short distance from the
bridge, and so close upon the shore, that, when the waters are high,
it seems to stand in the lake itself. A large town even now, it
promises soon to become a city. At the time the events happened which
we undertake to recount, this town, already of considerable
importance, was also a place of defence, and for that reason had the
honour of lodging a commander, and the advantage of possessing a
fixed garrison of Spanish soldiers, who taught modesty to the damsels
and matrons of the country; bestowed from time to time marks of their
favour on the shoulder of a husband or a father; and never failed, in
autumn, to disperse themselves in the vineyards, to thin the grapes,
and lighten for the peasant the labours of the vintage.
From one to the other of these towns,
from the heights to the lake, from one height to another, down
through the little valleys which lay between, there ran many narrow
lanes or mule-paths, (and they still exist,) one while abrupt and
steep, another level, another pleasantly sloping, in most places
enclosed by walls built of large flints, and clothed here and there
with ancient ivy, which, eating with its roots into the cement,
usurps its place, and binds together the wall it renders verdant. For
some distance these lanes are hidden, and as it were buried between
the walls, so that the passenger, looking upwards, can see nothing
but the sky and the peaks of some neighbouring mountain: in other
places they are terraced: sometimes they skirt the edge of a plain,
or project from the face of a declivity, like a long staircase,
upheld by walls which flank the hillsides like bastions, but in the
pathway rise only the height of a parapet—and here the eye of the
traveller can range over varied and most beautiful prospects. On one
side he commands the azure surface of the lake, and the inverted
image of the rural banks reflected in the placid wave; on the other,
the Adda, scarcely escaped from the arches of the bridge, expands
itself anew into a little lake, then is again contracted, and
prolongs to the horizon its bright windings; upward,—the massive
piles of the mountains, overhanging the head of the gazer; below,—the
cultivated terrace, the champaign, the bridge; opposite,—the
further bank of the lake, and, rising from it, the mountain boundary.
Along one of these narrow lanes, in
the evening of the 7th of November, in the year 1628, Don Abbondio …
curate of one of the towns alluded to above, was leisurely returning
home from a walk, (our author does not mention the name of the
town—two blanks already!) He was quietly repeating his office, and
now and then, between one psalm and another, he would shut the
breviary upon the fore-finger of his right hand, keeping it there for
a mark; then, putting both his hands behind his back, the right (with
the closed book) in the palm of the left, he pursued his way with
downcast eyes, kicking, from time to time, towards the wall the
flints which lay as stumbling-blocks in the path. Thus he gave more
undisturbed audience to the idle thoughts which had come to tempt his
spirit, while his lips repeated, of their own accord, his evening
prayers. Escaping from these thoughts, he raised his eyes to the
mountain which rose opposite; and mechanically gazed on the gleaming
of the scarcely set sun, which, making its way through the clefts of
the opposite mountain, was thrown upon the projecting peaks in large
unequal masses of rose-coloured light. The breviary open again, and
another portion recited, he reached a turn, where he always used to
raise his eyes and look forward; and so he did to-day. After the
turn, the road ran straight forward about sixty yards, and then
divided into two lanes, Y fashion—the right hand path ascended
towards the mountain, and led to the parsonage: the left branch
descended through the valley to a torrent: and on this side the walls
were not higher than about two feet. The inner walls of the two ways,
instead of meeting so as to form an angle, ended in a little chapel,
on which were depicted certain figures, long, waving, and terminating
in a point. These, in the intention of the artist, and to the eyes of
the neighbouring inhabitants, represented flames. Alternately with
the flames were other figures—indescribable, meant for souls in
purgatory, souls and flames of brick-colour on a grey ground
enlivened with patches of the natural wall, where the plaster was
gone. The curate, having turned the corner, and looked forward, as
was his custom, towards the chapel, beheld an unexpected sight, and
one he would not willingly have seen. Two men, one opposite the
other, were stationed at the confluence, so to say, of the two ways:
one of them was sitting across the low wall, with one leg dangling on
the outer side, and the other supporting him in the path: his
companion was standing up, leaning against the wall, with his arms
crossed on his breast. Their dress, their carriage, and so much of
their expression as could be distinguished at the distance at which
the curate stood, left no doubt about their condition. Each had a
green net on his head, which fell upon the left shoulder, and ended
in a large tassel. Their long hair, appearing in one large lock upon
the forehead: on the upper lip two long mustachios, curled at the
end: their doublets, confined by bright leathern girdles, from which
hung a brace of pistols: a little horn of powder, dangling round
their necks, and falling on their breasts like a necklace: on the
right side of their large and loose pantaloons, a pocket, and from
the pocket the handle of a dagger: a sword hanging on the left, with
a large basket-hilt of brass, carved in cipher, polished and
gleaming:—all, at a glance, discovered them to be individuals of
the species bravo.
This order, now quite extinct, was
then most flourishing in Lombardy, and already of considerable
antiquity. Has any one no clear idea of it? Here are some authentic
sketches, which may give him a distinct notion of its principal
characteristics, of the means put in force to destroy it, and of its
obstinate vitality.
On the 8th of April, 1583, the most
Illustrious and Excellent Signor Don Carlo d’Aragon, Prince of
Castelvetrano, Duke of Terranuova, Marquis of Avola, Count of
Burgeto, grand Admiral, and grand Constable of Sicily, Governor of
Milan, and Captain-General of His Catholic Majesty in Italy, being
fully informed of the intolerable misery in which this city of Milan
has lain, and does lie, by reason of bravoes and vagabonds, publishes
a ban against them, declares and defines all those to be
included in this ban, and to be held bravoes and vagabonds who,
whether foreigners or natives, have no occupation, or having it do
not employ themselves in it … but without salary, or with, engage
themselves, to any cavalier or gentleman, officer or merchant … to
render them aid and service, or rather, as may be presumed, to lay
wait against others … all these he commands, that, within
the term of six days, they should evacuate the country, threatens the
galleys to the refractory, and grants to all officials the most
strangely ample and indefinite power of executing the order. But the
following year, on the 12th of April, this same Signor,
perceiving that this city is completely full of the said
bravoes … returned to live as they had lived before, their customs
wholly unchanged, and their numbers undiminished, issues
another hue and cry, more vigorous and marked, in which, among other
ordinances, he prescribes—That whatsoever person, as well as
inhabitant of this city as a foreigner, who by the testimony of two
witnesses, should appear to be held and commonly reputed a bravo, and
to have that name, although he cannot be convicted of having
committed any crime … for this reputation of being a bravo alone,
without any other proof, may, by the said judges, and by every
individual of them, be put to the rack and torture, for process of
information … and although he confess no crime whatever,
notwithstanding, he shall be sent to the galleys for the said three
years, for the sole reputation and name of bravo, as aforesaid.All
this and more which is omitted, because His Excellency is
resolved to be obeyed by every one.
At hearing such brave and confident
words of so great a Signor, accompanied too with many penalties, one
feels much inclined to suppose that, at the echo of their rumblings,
all the bravoes had disappeared for ever. But the testimony of a
Signor not less authoritative, nor less endowed with names, obliges
us to believe quite the contrary. The most Illustrious and most
Excellent Signor Juan Fernandez de Velasco, Constable of Castile,
Grand Chamberlain of his Majesty, Duke of the city of Frias, Count of
Haro and Castelnovo, Lord of the House of Velasco, and that of the
Seven Infantas of Lara, Governor of the State of Milan, &c., on
the 5th of June, 1593, he also, fully informed of how much
loss and destruction … bravoes and vagabonds are the cause, and of
the mischief such sort of people effects against the public weal, in
despite of justice, warns them anew, that within the term of
six days, they are to evacuate the country, repeating almost word for
word, the threats and penalties of his predecessor. On the 23rd of
May, in a subsequent year, 1598,being informed, with no little
displeasure of mind, that … every day, in this city and state, the
number of these people (bravoes and vagabonds) is on
the increase, and day and night nothing is heard of them but murder,
homicide, robbery, and crimes of every kind, for which there is
greater facility, because these bravoes are confident of being
supported by their great employers … he prescribes anew
the same remedies, increasing the dose, as men do in obstinate
maladies. Let every one, then, he concludes, be
wholly on his guard against contravening in the least the present
proclamation; for, instead of experiencing the clemency of His
Excellency, he will experience the rigour of his anger … he being
resolved and determined that this shall be the last and peremptory
Not, however, of this opinion was the
most Illustrious and most Excellent Signor, Il Signor Don Pietro
Enriquez de Acevedo, Count of Fuentes, Captain and Governor of the
State of Milan; not of this opinion was he, and for good
reasons. Being fully informed of the misery in which this
city and state lies by reason of the great number of bravoes which
abound in it … and being resolved wholly to extirpate a plant so
pernicious, he issues, on the 5th of December, 1600, a new
admonition, full of severe penalties, with a firm purpose,
that, with all rigour, and without any hope of remission, they shall
be fully carried out.
We must believe, however, that he did
not apply himself to this matter with that hearty good will which he
knew how to employ in contriving cabals and exciting enemies against
his great enemy, Henry IV. History informs us that he succeeded in
arming against that king the Duke of Savoy, and caused him to lose a
city. He succeeded also in engaging the Duke of Biron on his behalf,
and caused him to lose his head; but as to this pernicious plant of
bravoes, certain it is that it continued to blossom till the 22nd of
September, 1612. On that day the most Illustrious Signor Don Giovanni
de Mendosa, Marquis of Hynojosa, Gentleman, &c., Governor, &c.,
had serious thoughts of extirpating it. To this end he sent the usual
proclamation, corrected and enlarged, to Pandolfo and Marco Tullio
Molatesti, associated printers to His Majesty, with orders to print
it to the destruction of the bravoes. Yet they lived to receive on
the 24th of December, 1618, similar and more vigorous blows from the
most Illustrious and most Excellent Signor, the Signor Don Gomez
Suarez di Figueroa, Duke of Feria, &c., Governor, &c.
Moreover, they not being hereby done to death, the most Illustrious
and most Excellent Signor, the Signor Gonzala Fernandez di Cordova,
(under whose government these events happened to Don Abbondio,) had
found himself obliged to recorrect and republish the usual
proclamation against the bravoes, on the 5th day of October, 1627; i.
e. one year one month and two days before this memorable
Nor was this the last publication. We
do not feel bound, however, to make mention of those which ensued, as
they are beyond the period of our story. We will notice only one of
the 13th of February, 1632, in which the most Illustrious and most
Excellent Signor the Duke of Feria, a second time
governor, signifies to us that the greatest outrages are
caused by those denominated bravoes.
This suffices to make it pretty
certain, that at the time of which we treat, there was as yet no lack
of bravoes.
That the two described above were on
the lookout for some one, was but too evident; but what more alarmed
Don Abbondio was, that he was assured by certain signs that he was
the person expected; for, the moment he appeared, they exchanged
glances, raising their heads with a movement which plainly expressed
that both at once had exclaimed, ‘Here’s our man!’ He who
bestrode the wall got up, and brought his other leg into the path:
his companion left leaning on the wall, and both began to walk
towards him. Don Abbondio, keeping the breviary open before him, as
if reading, directed his glance forward to watch their movements. He
saw them advancing straight towards him: multitudes of thoughts, all
at once, crowded upon him; with quick anxiety he asked himself,
whether any pathway to the right or left lay between him and the
bravoes; and quickly came the answer,—no. He made a hasty
examination, to discover whether he had offended some great man, some
vindictive neighbour; but even in this moment of alarm, the consoling
testimony of conscience somewhat reassured him. Meanwhile the bravoes
drew near, eyeing him fixedly. He put the fore finger and middle
finger of his left hand up to his collar, as if to settle it, and
running the two fingers round his neck he turned his head backwards
at the same time, twisting his mouth in the same direction, and
looked out of the corner of his eyes as far as he could, to see
whether any one was coming; but he saw no one. He cast a glance over
the low wall into the fields—no one; another, more subdued, along
the path forward—no one but the bravoes. What is to be done? turn
back? It is too late. Run? It was the same as to say, follow me, or
worse. Since he could not escape the danger, he went to meet it.
These moments of uncertainty were already so painful, he desired only
to shorten them. He quickened his pace, recited a verse in a louder
tone, composed his face to a tranquil and careless expression, as
well as he could, used every effort to have a smile ready; and when
he found himself in the presence of the two good men, exclaiming
mentally, ‘here we are!’ he stood still. ‘Signor Curato!’
said one, staring in his face.
‘Who commands me?’ quickly
answered Don Abbondio, raising his eyes from the book, and holding it
open in both hands.
‘You intend,’ continued the other,
with the threatening angry brow of one who has caught an inferior
committing some grievous fault, ‘you intend, to-morrow, to marry
Renzo Tramaglino and Lucia Mondella!’
‘That is…’ replied Don Abbondio,
with a quivering voice,—‘That is … You, gentlemen, are men of
the world, and know well how these things go. A poor curate has
nothing to do with them. They patch up their little treaties between
themselves, and then … then, they come to us, as one goes to the
bank to make a demand; and we … we are servants of the community.’
‘Mark well,’ said the bravo, in a
lower voice but with a solemn tone of command, ‘this marriage is
not to be performed, not to-morrow, nor ever.’
‘But, gentlemen,’ replied Don
Abbondio, with the soothing, mild tone of one who would persuade an
impatient man, ‘be so kind as put yourselves in my place. If the
thing depended on me … you see plainly that it is no advantage to
‘Come, come,’ interrupted the
bravo; ‘if the thing were to be decided by prating, you might soon
put our heads in a poke. We know nothing about it, and we don’t
want to know more. A warned man … you understand.’
‘But gentlemen like you are too
just, too reasonable…’
‘But,’ (this time the other
companion broke in, who had not hitherto spoken)—‘but the
marriage is not to be performed, or…’ here a great oath—‘or
he who performs it will never repent, because he shall have no time
for it…’ another oath.
‘Silence, silence,’ replied the
first orator: ‘the Signor Curato knows the way of the world, and we
are good sort of men, who don’t wish to do him any harm, if he will
act like a wise man. Signor Curato, the Illustrious Signor Don
Rodrigo, our master, sends his kind respects.’
To the mind of Don Abbondio this name
was like the lightning flash in a storm at night, which, illuminating
for a moment and confusing all objects, increases the terror. As by
instinct he made a low bow, and said, “If you could suggest…’
‘Oh! suggest is for
you who know Latin,’ again interrupted the bravo, with a smile
between awkwardness and ferocity; “it is all very well for you.
But, above all, let not a word be whispered about this notice that we
have given you for your good, or … Ehem! … it will be the same as
marrying them.—Well, what will your Reverence that we say for you
to the Illustrious Signor Don Rodrigo?’
‘My respects.’
‘Be clear, Signor Curato.’
‘…Disposed … always disposed to
obedience.’ And having said these words, he did not himself well
know whether he had given a promise, or whether he had only sent an
ordinary compliment. The bravoes took it, and showed that they took
it, in the more serious meaning.
‘Very well—good evening, Signor
Curato,’ said one of them, leading his companion away.
Don Abbondio, who a few moments before
would have given one of his eyes to have got rid of them, now wished
to prolong the conversation and modify the treaty;—in vain they
would not listen, but took the path along which he had come, and were
soon out of sight, singing a ballad, which I do not choose to
transcribe. Poor Don Abbondio stood for a moment with his mouth open,
as if enchanted: and then he too departed, taking that path which led
to his house, and hardly dragging one leg after the other, with a
sensation of walking on crab-claws, and in a frame of mind which the
reader will better understand, after having learnt somewhat more of
the character of this personage, and of the sort of times in which
his lot was cast.
Don Abbondio—the reader may have
discovered it already—was not born with the heart of a lion.
Besides this, from his earliest years, he had had occasion to learn,
that the most embarrassing of all conditions in those times, was that
of an animal, without claws, and without teeth, which yet,
nevertheless, had no inclination to be devoured.
The arm of the law
by no means protected the quiet inoffensive man, who had no other
means of inspiring fear. Not, indeed, that there was any want of laws
and penalties against private violence. Laws came down like hail;
crimes were recounted and particularized with minute prolixity;
penalties were absurdly exorbitant; and if that were not enough,
capable of augmentation in almost every case, at the will of the
legislator himself and of a hundred executives; the forms of
procedure studied only how to liberate the judge from every
impediment in the way of passing a sentence of condemnation; the
sketches we have given of the proclamations against the bravoes are a
feeble but true index of this. Notwithstanding, or rather in great
measure for this reason, these proclamations, republished and
reenforced by one government after another, served only to attest
most magniloquently the impotence of their authors; or if they
produced any immediate effect, it was for the most part to add new
vexations to those already suffered by the peaceable and helpless at
the hands of the turbulent, and to increase the violence and cunning
of the latter. Impunity was organized and implanted so deeply that
its roots were untouched, or at least unmoved, by these
proclamations. Such were the asylums, such were the privileges of
certain classes, privileges partly recognized by law, partly borne
with envious silence, or decried with vain protests, but kept up in
fact, and guarded by these classes, and by almost every individual in
them, with interested activity and punctilious jealousy. Now,
impunity of this kind, threatened and insulted, but not destroyed by
the proclamations, was naturally obliged, on every new threat and
insult, to put in force new powers and new schemes to preserve its
own existence. So it fell out in fact; and on the appearance of a
proclamation for the restraint of the violent, these sought in their
power new means more apt in effecting that which the proclamations
forbade. The proclamations, indeed, could accomplish at every step
the molestation of a good sort of men, who had neither power
themselves nor protection from others; because, in order to have
every person under their hands, to prevent or punish every crime,
they subjected every movement of private life to the arbitrary will
of a thousand magistrates and executives. But whoever, before
committing a crime, had taken measures to secure his escape in time
to a convent or a palace, where the birri 1 had
never dared to enter; whoever (without any other measures) bore a
livery which called to his defence the vanity and interest of a
powerful family or order, such an one was free to do as he pleased,
and could set at nought the clamour of the proclamations. Of those
very persons to whom the enforcing of them was committed, some
belonged by birth to the privileged class, some were dependent on it,
as clients; both one and the other by education, interest, habit, and
imitation, had embraced its maxims, and would have taken good care
not to offend it for the sake of a piece of paper pasted on the
corners of the streets. The men entrusted with the immediate
execution of the decrees, had they been enterprising as heroes,
obedient as monks, and devoted as martyrs, could not have had the
upper hand, inferior as they were in number to those with whom they
would have been engaged in battle, with the probability of being
frequently abandoned, or even sacrificed, by those who abstractedly,
or (so to say) in theory, set them to work. But besides this, these
men were, generally, chosen from the lowest and most rascally classes
of those times: their office was held base even by those who stood
most in fear of it, and their title a reproach. It was therefore but
natural that they, instead of risking, or rather throwing away, their
lives in an impracticable undertaking, should take pay for inaction,
or even connivance at the powerful, and reserve the exercise of their
execrated authority and diminished power for those occasions, where
they could oppress, without danger, i. e. by
annoying pacific and defenceless persons.
The man who is ready to give and
expecting to receive offence every moment, naturally seeks allies and
companions. Hence the tendency of individuals to unite into classes
was in these times carried to the greatest excess; new societies were
formed, and each man strove to increase the power of his own party to
the greatest degree. The clergy were on the watch to defend and
extend their immunities; the nobility their privileges, the military
their exemptions. Tradespeople and artisans were enrolled in
subordinate confraternities, lawyers constituted a league, and even
doctors a corporation. Each of these little oligarchies had its own
peculiar power; in each the individual found it an advantage to avail
himself, in proportion to their authority and vigour, of the united
force of the many. Honest men availed themselves of this advantage
for defence; the evil-disposed and sharp-witted made use of it to
accomplish deeds of violence, for which their personal means were
insufficient, and to ensure themselves impunity. The power, however,
of these various combinations was very unequal; and especially in the
country, a rich and violent nobility, having a band of bravoes, and
surrounded by a peasantry accustomed by immemorial tradition, and
compelled by interest or force, to look upon themselves as soldiers
of their lords, exercised a power against which no other league could
have maintained effectual resistance.
Our Abbondio, not noble, not rich, not
courageous, was therefore accustomed from his very infancy to look
upon himself as a vessel of fragile earthenware, obliged to journey
in company with many vessels of iron. Hence he had very easily
acquiesced in his parents’ wish to make him a priest. To say the
truth, he had not reflected much on the obligations and noble ends of
the ministry to which he was dedicating himself: to ensure something
to live upon with comfort, and to place himself in a class revered
and powerful, seemed to him two sufficient reasons for his choice.
But no class whatever provides for an individual, or secures him,
beyond a certain point: and none dispenses him from forming his own
particular system.
Don Abbondio, continually absorbed in
thoughts about his own security, cared not at all for those
advantages which risked a little to secure a great deal. His system
was to escape all opposition, and to yield where he could not escape.
In all the frequent contests carried on around him between the clergy
and laity, in the perpetual collision between officials and the
nobility, between the nobility and magistrates, between bravoes and
soldiers, down to the pitched battle between two rustics, arising
from a word, and decided with fists or poniards, an unarmed
neutrality was his chosen position. If he were absolutely obliged to
take a part, he favoured the stronger, always, however, with a
reserve, and an endeavour to show the other that he was not willingly
his enemy. It seemed as if he would say, ‘Why did you not manage to
be stronger? I would have taken your side then.’ Keeping a
respectful distance from the powerful; silently bearing their scorn,
when capriciously shown in passing instances; answering with
submission when it assumed a more serious and decided form; obliging,
by his profound bows and respectful salutations, the most surly and
haughty to return him a smile, when he met them by the way; the poor
man had performed the voyage of sixty years without experiencing any
very violent tempests.
It was not that he had not too his own
little portion of gall in his disposition: and this continual
exercise of endurance, this ceaseless giving reasons to others, these
many bitter mouthfuls gulped down in silence, had so far exasperated
it, that had he not an opportunity sometimes of giving it a little of
its own way, his health would certainly have suffered. But since
there were in the world, close around him, some few persons whom he
knew well to be incapable of hurting, upon them he was able now and
then to let out the bad humour so long pent up, and take upon himself
(even he) the right to be a little fantastic, and to scold
unreasonably. Besides, he was a rigid censor of those who did not
guide themselves by his rules; that is, when the censure could be
passed without any, the most distant, danger. Was any one beaten? he
was at least imprudent;—any one murdered? he had always been a
turbulent meddler. If any one, having tried to maintain his right
against some powerful noble, came off with a broken head, Don
Abbondio always knew how to discover some fault; a thing not
difficult, since right and wrong are never divided with so clean a
cut, that one party has the whole of either. Above all, he declaimed
against any of his brethren, who, at their own risk, took the part of
the weak and oppressed against the powerful oppressor. This he called
paying for quarrels, and giving one’s legs to the dogs: he even
pronounced with severity upon it, as a mixing in profane things, to
the loss of dignity to the sacred ministry. Against such men he
discoursed (always, however, with his eyes about him, or in a retired
corner) with greater vehemence in proportion as he knew them to be
strangers to anxiety about their personal safety. He had, finally, a
favourite sentence, with which he always wound up discourses on these
matters, that a respectable man who looked to himself, and minded his
own business, could always keep clear of mischievous quarrels.
My five-and-twenty readers may imagine
what impression such an encounter as has been related above would
make on the mind of this pitiable being. The fearful aspect of those
faces; the great words; the threats of a Signor known for never
threatening in vain; a system of living in quiet, the patient study
of so many years, upset in a moment; and, in prospect, a path narrow
and rugged, from which no exit could be seen,—all these thoughts
buzzed about tumultuously in the downcast head of Don Abbondio. ‘If
Renzo could be dismissed in peace with a mere no, it
is all plain; but he would want reasons; and what am I to say to him?
and—and—and he is a lamb, quiet as a lamb if no one touches him,
but if he were contradicted … whew! and then—out of his senses
about this Lucia, in love over head and … These young men, who fall
in love for want of something to do, will be
married, and think nothing about other people, they do not care
anything for the trouble they bring upon a poor curate. Unfortunate
me! What possible business had these two frightful figures to put
themselves in my path, and interfere with me? Is
it I who want to be married? Why did they not rather go and talk with
… Let me see: what a great misfortune it is that the right plan
never comes into my head till it is too late! If I had but thought of
suggesting to them to carry their message to…’ But at this point
it occurred to him that to repent of not having been aider and
abettor in iniquity, was itself iniquitous; and he turned his angry
thoughts upon the man who had come, in this manner, to rob him of his
peace. He knew Don Rodrigo only by sight and by report; nor had he
had to do with him further than to make a lowly reverence when he had
chanced to meet him. It had fallen to him several times to defend
this Signor against those who, with subdued voice and looks of fear,
wished ill to some of his enterprises. He had said a hundred times
that he was a respectable cavalier; but at this moment he bestowed
upon him all those epithets which he had never heard applied by
others without an exclamation of disapprobation. Amid the tumult of
these thoughts he reached his own door—hastily applied the key
which he held in his hand, opened, entered, carefully closed it
behind him, and anxious to find himself in trustworthy company,
called quickly, ‘Perpetua, Perpetua!’ as he went towards the
dining-room, where he was sure to find Perpetua laying the cloth for
Perpetua, as every one already knows,
was Don Abbondio’s servant, a servant affectionate and faithful,
who knew how to obey and command in turn as occasion required—to
bear, in season, the grumblings and fancies of her master, and to
make him bear the like when her turn came; which day by day recurred
more frequently, since she had passed the sinodal age of forty,
remaining single, because, as she said herself, she had refused all
offers, or because she had never found any one goose enough to have
her, as her friends said.
‘I am coming,’ replied Perpetua,
putting down in its usual place a little flask of Don Abbondio’s
favourite wine, and moving leisurely. But before she reached the door
of the dining-room, he entered, with a step so unsteady, with an
expression so overcast, with features so disturbed, that there had
been no need of Perpetua’s experienced eye to discover at a glance
that something very extraordinary had happened.
‘Mercy! what has happened to you,
‘Nothing, nothing,’ replied Don
Abbondio, sinking down breathless on his arm-chair.
‘How nothing! Would you make me
believe this, so disordered as you are? Some great misfortune has
‘Oh, for Heaven’s sake! When I say
nothing, either it is nothing, or it is something I cannot tell.’
‘Not tell, even to me? Who will take
care of your safety, sir? who will advise you?’
‘Oh, dear! hold your tongue, and say
no more; give me a glass of my wine.’
‘And you will persist, sir, that it
is nothing!’ said Perpetua, filling the glass; and then holding it
in her hand, as if she would give it in payment for the confidence he
kept her waiting for so long.
‘Give it here, give it here,’ said
Don Abbondio, taking the glass from her with no very steady hand, and
emptying it hastily, as if it were a draught of medicine.
‘Do you wish me, then, sir, to be
obliged to ask here and there, what has happened to my master?’
said Perpetua, right opposite him, with her arms akimbo, looking
steadily at him, as if she would gather the truth from his eyes.
‘For Heaven’s sake! let us have no
brawling—let us have no noise: it is … it is my life!’
‘Your life!’
‘My life.’
‘You know, sir, that whenever you
have told me any thing sincerely in confidence, I have never…’
‘Well done! for instance, when…’
Perpetua saw she had touched a wrong
chord; wherefore, suddenly changing her tone, ‘Signor, master,’
she said, with a softened and affecting voice, ‘I have always been
an affectionate servant to you, sir; and if I wish to know this, it
is because of my care for you, because I wish to be able to help you,
to give you good advice, and to comfort you.’
The fact was, Don Abbondio was,
perhaps, just as anxious to get rid of his burdensome secret, as
Perpetua was to know it. In consequence, after having rebutted,
always more feebly, her reiterated and more vigorous assaults, after
having made her vow more than once not to breathe the subject, with
many sighs and many doleful exclamations, he related at last the
miserable event. When he came to the terrible name, it was necessary
for Perpetua to make new and more solemn vows of silence; and Don
Abbondio, having pronounced this name, sank back on the chair,
lifting up his hands in act at once of command and
entreaty—exclaiming, ‘For heaven’s sake!’
‘Mercy!’ exclaimed Perpetua, ‘Oh,
what a wretch! Oh, what a tyrant! Oh, what a godless man!’
‘Will you hold your tongue? or do
you wish to ruin me altogether?’
‘Why, we’re all alone: no one can
hear us. But what will you do, sir? Oh, my poor master!’
‘You see now, you see,’ said Don
Abbondio, in an angry tone, ‘what good advice this woman can give
me! She comes and asks me what shall I do, what shall I do, as if she
were in a quandary, and it were my place to help her out.’
‘But I could even give my poor
opinion; but then…’
‘But then, let us hear.’
‘My advice would be, since, as
everybody says, our Archbishop is a saint, a bold-hearted man, and
one who is not afraid of an ugly face, and one who glories in
upholding a poor curate against these tyrants, when he has an
opportunity,—I should say, and I do say, that you should write a
nice letter to inform him how that…’
‘Will you hold your tongue? will you
be silent? Is this fit advice to give a poor man? When a bullet was
lodged in my back, (Heaven defend me!) would the Archbishop dislodge
‘Why! bullets don’t fly in showers
like comfits. 2 Woe to us if these dogs could bite whenever they
bark. And I have always taken notice that whoever knows how to show
his teeth, and makes use of them, is treated with respect; and just
because master will never give his reasons, we are come to that pass,
that every one comes to us, if I may say it to…’
2 It is a custom in Italy, during the
carnival, for friends to salute each other with showers of comfits,
as they pass in the streets.
‘Will you hold your tongue?’
‘I will directly; but it is,
however, certain, that when all the world sees a man always, in every
encounter, ready to yield the…’
‘Will you hold your tongue? Is this
a time for such nonsensical words?’
‘Very well: you can think about it
to-night; but now, don’t be doing any mischief to yourself; don’t
be making yourself ill—take a mouthful to eat.’
‘Think about it, shall I?’
grumbled Don Abbondio, ‘to be sure I shall think about it. I’ve
got it to think about;’ and he got up, going on; ‘I will take
nothing, nothing: I have something else to do. I know, too, what I
ought to think about it. But, that this should have come on my head!’
‘Swallow at least this other little
drop,’ said Perpetua, pouring it out; ‘you know, sir, this always
strengthens your stomach.’
‘Ah, we want another
So saying, he took the candle, and
constantly grumbling, ‘A nice little business to a man like me! and
to-morrow, what is to be done?’ with other like lamentations, went
to his chamber, to lie down. When he had reached the door, he paused
a moment, turned round and laid his finger on his lips, pronouncing
slowly and solemnly, ‘For Heaven’s sake!’ and disappeared.
1. i. e., the armed police.