Britain Saved by a Full Moon
August 25, 2014Lord Kelvin |
Sir William Thomson
(Lord Kelvin) (1824-1907), The Tides
Vol. 30, pp. 274-285 of
The Harvard Classics
We to-day know that
there is a direct relation between the moon and tides. When Julius
Cæsar went to conquer Britain his transports were wrecked
because he did not know the tides on the English coast; a knowledge
of which might have changed the whole course of history.
(Kelvin delivers
lecture on "Tides," Aug. 25, 1882.)
Lecture to the British Association at the Southampton Meeting,
Friday, August 25th, 1882]
THE SUBJECT on which I
have to speak this evening is the tides, and at the outset I feel in
a curiously difficult position. If I were asked to tell what I mean
by the Tides I should feel it exceedingly difficult to answer the
question. The tides have something to do with motion of the sea. Rise
and fall of the sea is sometimes called a tide; but I see, in the
Admiralty Chart of the Firth of Clyde, the whole space between Ailsa
Craig and the Ayrshire coast marked “very little tide here.” Now,
we find there a good ten feet rise and fall, and yet we are
authoritatively told there is very little tide. The truth is, the
word “tide” as used by sailors at sea means horizontal motion
of the water; but when used by landsmen or sailors in port, it
means vertical motion of the water. I hope my friend
Sir Frederick Evans will allow me to say that we must take the
designation in the chart, to which I have referred, as limited to the
instruction of sailors navigating that part of the sea, and to say
that there is a very considerable landsman’s tide there—a rise
and fall of the surface of the water relatively to the land—though
there is exceedingly little current.
One of the most interesting points of
tidal theory is the determination of the currents by which the rise
and fall is produced, and so far the sailor’s idea of what is most
noteworthy as to tidal motion is correct: because before there can be
a rise and fall of the water anywhere it must come from some other
place, and the water cannot pass from place to place without moving
horizontally, or nearly horizontally, through a great distance. Thus
the primary phenomenon of the tides is after all the tidal current;
and it is the tidal currents that are referred to on charts where we
have arrow-heads marked with the statement that we have “very
little tide here,” or that we have “strong tides” there.
One instance of great interest is near
Portland. We hear of the “race of Portland” which is produced by
an exceedingly strong tidal current; but in Portland harbour there is
exceedingly little rise and fall, and that little is much confused,
as if the water did not know which way it was going to move.
Sometimes the water rises, sinks, seems to think a little while about
it, and then rises again. The rise of the tide at Portland is
interesting to the inhabitants of Southampton in this, that whereas
here, at Southampton, there is a double high water, there, at
Portland, there is a double low water. The double high water seems to
extend across the channel. At Havre, and on the bar off the entrance
to Harve, there is a double high water very useful to navigation; but
Southampton I believe is pre-eminent above all the ports in the
British Island with respect to this convenience. There is here (at
Southampton) a good three hours of high water;—a little dip after
the first high water, and then the water rises again a very little
more for an hour and a half or two hours, before it begins to fall to
low water.
I shall endeavour to refer to this
subject again. It is not merely the Isle of Wight that gives rise to
the phenomenon. The influence extends to the east as far as
Christchurch, and is reversed at Portland, and we have the double or
the prolonged high water also over at Havre; therefore, it is clearly
not, as it has been supposed to be, due to the Isle of Wight.
But now I must come back to the
question, What are the “Tides”? Is a “tidal wave” a tide?
What is called in the newspapers a “tidal wave” rises sometimes
in a few minutes, does great destruction, and goes down again,
somewhat less rapidly. There are frequent instances in all parts of
the world of the occurrence of that phenomenon. Such motions of the
water, however, are not tides; they are usually caused by
earthquakes. But we are apt to call any not very short-time and fall
of the water a tide, as when standing on the coast of a slanting
shore where there are long ocean waves, we see the gradual sinkings
and risings produced by them, and say that it is a wave we see, not a
tide, till one comes which is exceptionally slow, and then we say
“that is liker a tide than a wave.” The fact is, there is
something perfectly continuous in the species of motion called wave,
from the smallest ripple in a musical glass, whose period may be a
thousandth of a second, to a “lop of water” in the Solent, whose
period is one or two seconds, and thence on to the great ocean wave
with a period of from fifteen to twenty seconds, where end the
phenomenon which we commonly call waves (FIG. 122),
and not tides. But any rise and fall which is manifestly of longer
period, or slower in its rise from lowest to highest, than a wind
wave, we are apt to call a tide; and some of the phenomena that are
analysed for, and worked out in this very tidal analysis that I am
going to explain, are in point of fact more properly wind waves than
true tides.
Fig. 122–Wave forms
Leaving these complicated questions,
however, I will make a short cut, and assuming the cause without
proving it, define the thing by the cause. I shall therefore define
tides thus: Tides are motions of water on the earth, due to the
attractions of the sun and of the moon. I cannot say tides are
motions due to the actions of the sun and of the
moon; for so I would include, under the designation of tide, every
ripple that stirs a puddle or millpond, and waves in the Solent or in
the English Channel and the long Atlantic wind waves, and the great
swell of the ocean from one hemisphere to the other and back again
(under the name which I find in the harmonic reduction
of tidal observations), proved to take place once a
year, and which I can only explain as the result of the sun’s heat.
But while the action of the sun’s
heat by means of the wind produced ripples and waves of every size,
it also produces a heaping-up of the water (FIG. 123).
Suppose we have wind blowing across one side of a sheet of water, the
wind ruffles the surface, the waves break if the wind is strong, and
the result is a strong tangential force exerted by the wind on the
surface water. If a ship is sailing over the water there is strong
tangential force; thus the water is found going fast to leeward for a
long distance astern of a great ship sailing with a side wind: and,
just as the sails of a ship standing high above the sea give a large
area for the wind to act upon, every wave standing up gives a
surface, and we have horizontal tangential force over the whole
surface of a troubled sea. The result is that water is dragged along
the surface from one side of the ocean to the other—from one side
of the Atlantic to the other—and is heaped up on the side towards
which the wind is blowing. To understand the dynamics of this
phenomenon, think of a long straight canal with the wind blowing
lengthwise along it. In virtue of the tangential force exerted on the
surface of the water by the wind, and which increases with the speed
of the wind, the water will become heaped up at one end of the canal,
as shown in the diagram (FIG. 123), while
the surface water throughout the whole length will be observed moving
in the direction of the wind—say in the direction of the two arrows
near to the surface of the water above and below it. But to
re-establish the disturbed hydrostatic equilibrium, the water so
heaped up will tend to flow back to the end from which it has been
displaced, and as the wind prevents this taking place by a surface
current, there will be set up a return current along the bottom of
the canal, in a direction opposite to that of the wind, as indicated
by the lowermost arrow in the diagram (FIG. 123).
The return current in the ocean, however, is not always an
under-current, but may sometimes be a lateral current. Thus a gale of
wind blowing over ten degrees of latitude will cause a drag of water
at the surface, but the return may be not an under current but a
current on one side or the other of the area affected by the wind.
Suppose, for instance, in the Mediterranean there is a strong east
wind blowing along the African coast, the result will be a current
from east to west along that coast, and return current along the
northern coasts of the Mediterranean.
Fig. 123–Showing the heaping-up of
water produced by wind
The rise and fall of the water due to
these motions are almost inextricably mixed-up with the true tidal
rise and fall.
There is another rise and fall, also
connected with the heating effect of the sun, that I do not call a
true tide, and that is a rise and fall due to change of atmospheric
pressure. When the barometer is high over a large area of ocean,
then, there and in neighboring places, the tendency to hydrostatic
equilibrium causes the surface of the water to be lower, where it is
pushed down by the greater weight of air, and to be higher where
there is less weight over it. It does not follow that in every case
it is lower, because there may not be time to produce the effect, but
there is this tendency. It is very well known that two or three days
of low barometer make higher tides on our coast. In Scotland and
England and Ireland, two or three days of low barometer generally
produce all round the shore higher water than when the barometer is
high; and this effect is chiefly noticed at the time of tidal high
water, because people take less notice of low water—as at Portland
where they think nothing of the double low water. Hence we hear
continually of very high tides—very high water noticed at the time
of high tides—when the barometer is low. We have not always,
however, in this effect of barometric pressure really great tidal
rise and fall. On the contrary we have the curious
phenomenon that sometimes when the barometer is very low, and there
are gales in the neighbourhood, there is very
little rise and fall, as the water
is kept heaped up and does not sink by anything like its
usual amount from the extra high level that it has at high water. But
I fear I have got into questions which are leading me away from my
subject, and as I cannot get through them I must just turn back.
Now think of the definition which I
gave of the “tides,” and think of the sun alone. The action of
the sun cannot be defined as the cause of the solar tides. Solar
tides are due to action of the sun, but all risings and fallings of
the water due to the action of the sun are not tides. We want the
quantification of the predicate here very badly. We have a true tide
depending on the sun, the mean solar diurnal tide, having for its
period twenty-four solar hours, which is inextricably mixed up with
those meteorological tides that I have just been speaking of—tides
depending on the sun’s heat, and on the variation of the direction
of the wind, and on the variation of barometric pressure according to
the time of day. The consequence is that in tidal analysis, when we
come to the solar tides, we cannot know how much of the analysed
result is due to attraction, and how much to heating effect directly
or indirectly, whether on water, or on air, or on water as affected
by air. As to the lunar tides we are quite sure of them;—they are
gravitational, and nothing but gravitational; but I hope to speak
later of the supposed relation of the moon to the weather, and the
relation that has to the tides.
I have defined the tides as motions of
water on the earth due to the attractions of the sun and of the moon.
How are we to find out whether an observed motion of the water is a
tide or is not a tide as thus defined? Only by the combination of
theory and observation: if these afford sufficient reason for
believing that the motion is due to attraction of the sun or of the
moon, or of both, then we must call it a tide.
It is curious to look back on the
knowledge of the tides possessed in ancient times, and to find as
early as two hundred years before the Christian era a very clear
account given of the tides at Cadiz. But the Romans generally,
knowing only the Mediterranean, had not much clear knowledge of the
tides. At a much later time than that, we hear from the ancient Greek
writers and explorers—Posidonius, Strabo, and others—that in
certain remote parts of the world, in Thule, in Britain, in Gaul, and
on the distant coasts of Spain, there were motions of the sea—a
rising and falling of the water—which depended in some way on the
moon. Julius Cæsar came to know something about it; but it is
certain the Roman Admiralty did not supply Julius Cæsar’s captains
with tide tables when he sailed from the Mediterranean with his
expeditionary force, destined to put down anarchy in Britain. He
says, referring to the fourth day after his first landing in
Britain—”That night it happened to be full moon, which time is
accustomed to give the greatest risings of water in the ocean, though
our people did not know it.” It has been supposed however that some
of his people did know it—some of his quartermasters had been in
England before and did know—but that the discipline in the Roman
navy was so good that they had no right to obtrude their knowledge;
and so, although a storm was raging at the time, he was not told that
the water would rise in the night higher than usual, and nothing was
done to make his transports secure higher up on the shore while he
was fighting the Britons. After the accident Cæsar was no doubt
told—”Oh, we knew that before, but it might have been ill taken
if we had said so.”
Strabo says—”Soon after moonrise
the sea begins to swell up and flow over the earth till the moon
reaches mid heaven. As she descends thence the sea recedes till about
moonset, when the water is lowest. It then rises again as the moon,
below the horizon, sinks to mid heaven under the earth.” It is
interesting here to find the tides described simply with reference to
the moon. But there is something more in this ancient account of
Strabo; he says, quoting Posidonius—”This is the daily circuit of
the sea. Moreover, there is a regular monthly course, according to
which the greatest rise and fall takes place about new moon, then
diminishing rise and fall till half moon, and again increasing till
full moon.” And lastly he refers to a hearsay report of the
Gaditani (Cadizians) regarding an annual period in the amount of the
daily rise and fall of the sea, which seems to be not altogether
right, and is confessedly in part conjectural. He gave no theory, of
course, and he avoided the complication of referring to the sun. But
the mere mention of an annual period is interesting in the history of
tidal theory, as suggesting that the rises and falls are due not to
the moon alone but to the sun also. The account given by Posidonius
is fairly descriptive of what occurs at the present day at Cadiz.
Exactly the opposite would be true at many places; but at Cadiz the
time of high water at new and full moon is nearly twelve o’clock.
Still, I say we have only definition to keep us clear of ambiguities
and errors; and yet, to say that those motions of the sea which we
call tides depend on the moon, was considered, even by Galileo, to be
a lamentable piece of mysticism which he read with regret in the
writings of so renowned an author as Kepler.
It is indeed impossible to avoid
theorising. The first who gave a theory was Newton; and I shall now
attempt to speak of it sufficiently to allow us to have it as a
foundation for estimating the forces with which we are concerned, in
dealing with some of the very perplexing questions which tidal
phenomena present.
We are to imagine the moon as
attracting the earth, subject to the forces that the different bodies
exert upon each other. We are not to take Hegel’s theory—that the
Earth and the Planets do not move like stones, but move along like
blessed gods, each an independent being. If Hegel had any grain of
philosophy in his ideas of the solar system, Newton is all wrong in
his theory of the tides. Newton considered the attraction of the sun
upon the earth and the moon, of the earth upon the moon, and the
mutual attractions of different parts of the earth; and left it for
Cavendish to complete the discovery of gravitation, by exhibiting the
mutual attraction of two pieces of lead in his balance. Tidal theory
is one strong link in the grand philosophic chain of the Newtonian
theory of gravitation. In explaining the tide-generating force we are
brought face to face with some of the subtleties, and with some of
the mere elements, of physical astronomy. I will not enter into
details, as it would be useless for those who already understand the
tidal theory, and unintelligible to those who do not.
I may just say that the moon attracts
a piece of matter, for example a pound-weight, here on the earth,
with a force which we compare with the earth’s attraction thus. Her
mass is 1/80 of the earth’s, and she is sixty times as far away
from the earth’s centre as we are here. Newton’s theory of
gravitation shows, that when you get outside the mass of the earth
the resultant attraction of the earth on the pound weight, is the
same as if the whole mass of the earth were collected at the centre,
and that it varies inversely as the square of the distance from the
centre. The same law is inferred regarding the moon’s attraction
from the general theory. The moon’s attraction on this pound weight
is therefore 1/80/60x60, or 1/288,000 of the attraction of the earth
on the same mass. But that is not the tide-generating force. The moon
attracts any mass at the nearest parts of the earth’s surface with
greater force than an equal mass near the centre; and attracts a mass
belonging to the remoter parts with less force. Imagine a point where
the moon is overhead, and imagine another point on the surface of the
earth at the other end of a diameter passing through the first point
and the centre of the earth (illustrated by B and A of FIG. 124,
p. 284). The moon attracts the nearest point (B) with a force which
is greater than that with which it attracts the farther point (A) in
the ratio of the square of 59 to the square of 61. Hence the moon’s
attraction on equal masses at the nearest and farthest points differs
by one fifteenth part of her attraction on an equal mass at the
earth’s centre, or about a 4,320,000th, or, roughly, a
four-millionth, of the earth’s attraction on an equal mass at its
surface. Consequently the water tends to protrude towards the moon
and from the moon. If the moon and earth were held together by a
rigid bar the water would be drawn to the side nearest to the
moon—drawn to a prodigious height of several hundred feet. But the
earth and the moon are not so connected. We may imagine the earth as
falling towards the moon, and the moon as falling towards the earth,
but never coming nearer; the bodies, in reality, revolving round
their common centre of gravity. A point nearest to the moon is as it
were dragged away from the earth, and thus the result is that
apparent gravity differs by about one four-millionth at the points
nearest to and farthest from the moon. At the intermediate points of
the circle C, D (FIG. 124, p. 284), there is
a somewhat complicated action according to which gravitation is
increased by about one 17-millionth, and its direction altered by
about one 17-millionth, so that a pendulum 17,000 feet long, a
plummet rather longer than from the top of Mont Blanc to sea level,
would, if showing truly the lunar disturbing force, be deflected
through a space of one thousandth of a foot. It seems quite hopeless
by a plummet to exhibit the lunar disturbance of gravity. A spring
balance to show the alteration of magnitude, and a plummet to show
the change of direction are conceivable; but we can scarcely believe
that either can ever be produced, with sufficient delicacy and
consistency and accuracy to indicate these results.
A most earnest and persevering effort
has been made by Mr. George Darwin and Mr. Horace Darwin to detect
variations in gravity due to lunar disturbance, and they have made
apparatus which, notwithstanding the prodigious smallness of the
effect to be observed, is in point of delicacy and consistency
capable of showing it; but when they had got their delicate
pendulum—their delicate plummet about the length of an ordinary
second’s pendulum—and their delicate multiplying gear to multiply
the motion of its lower end by about a million times, and to show the
result on a scale by the reflection of a ray of light, they found the
little image incessantly moving backward and forward on the scale
with no consistency or regularity; and they have come to the
conclusion that there are continual local variations of apparent
gravity taking place for which we know no rule, and which are
considerably greater than the lunar disturbance for which they were
seeking. That which they found—continual motions of the surface of
the earth, and which was not the primary object of their
investigation—is in some respects more interesting than what they
sought and did not find. The delicate investigation thus opened up
promises a rich harvest of knowledge. These disturbances are
connected with earthquakes such as have been observed in a very
scientific and accurate manner by Milne, Thomas Gray, and Ewing in
Japan, and in Italy by many accurate observers. All such observations
agree in showing continual tremor and palpitation of the earth in
every part.
One other phenomenon that I may just
refer to now as coming out from tide-gauge observations, is a
phenomenon called seiches by Forel, and described by him as having
been observed in the lakes of Geneva and Constance. He attributes
them to differences of barometric pressure at the ends of the lake,
and it is probable that part of the phenomenon is due to such
differences. I think it is certain, however, that the whole is not
due to such differences. The Portland tide curve and those of many
other places, notably the tide curve for Malta, taken about ten years
ago by Sir Cooper Key, and observations on the Atlantic coasts and in
many other parts of the world, show something of these phenomena; a
ripple or roughness on the curve traced by the tide gauge, which,
when carefully looked to, indicates a variation not regular but in
some such period as twenty or twenty-five minutes. It has been
suggested that they are caused by electric action! Whenever the cause
of a thing is not known it is immediately put down as electrical!
Fig. 124–Spring Tides
Fig. 125–Spring Tides
I would like to explain to you the
equilibrium theory, and the kinetic theory, of the tides, but I am
afraid I must merely say there are such things; and that Laplace in
his great work, his Mécanique Céleste, first
showed that the equilibrium theory was utterly insufficient to
account for the phenomena, and gave the true principles of the
dynamic action on which they depend. The resultant effect of the
tide-generating force is to cause the water to tend to become
protuberant towards the moon and the sun and from them, when they are
in the same straight line, and to take a regular spheroidal form, in
which the difference between the greatest and the least semi-diameter
is about 2 feet for lunar action alone, and 1 foot for the action of
the sun alone—that is a tide which amounts to 3 feet when the sun
and moon act together (FIGS. 124 and 125), and to 1 foot only when
they act at cross purposes (FIGS. 126 and 127), so as to produce
opposite effects. These diagrams, FIGS. 124 to 127, illustrate spring
and neap tides: the dark shading around the globe, E, representing a
water envelope surrounding the earth. There has been much discussion
on the origin of the word neap. It seems to be an
Anglo-Saxon word meaning scanty. Spring seems to be
the same as when we speak of plants springing up. I
well remember at the meeting of the British Association at Edinburgh
a French member who, meaning spring tides, spoke of the grandes
marées du printemps. Now you laugh at this; and yet, though
he did not mean it, he was quite right, for the spring tides in the
spring time are greater on the whole than those at other times, and
we have the greatest spring tides in the spring of the year. But
there the analogy ceases, for we have also very high spring tides in
autumn. Still the meaning of the two words is the same
etymologically. Neap tides are scanty tides, and spring tides are
tides which spring up to remarkably great heights.
I would like to explain to you the equilibrium
theory, and the kinetic theory, of the tides, but I am afraid I must
merely say there are such things; and that Laplace in his great work,
his Mécanique Céleste, first showed that the equilibrium theory was
utterly insufficient to account for the phenomena, and gave the true
principles of the dynamic action on which they depend. The resultant
effect of the tide-generating force is to cause the water to tend to
become protuberant towards the moon and the sun and from them, when
they are in the same straight line, and to take a regular spheroidal
form, in which the difference between the greatest and the least
semi-diameter is about 2 feet for lunar action alone, and 1 foot for
the action of the sun alone—that is a tide which amounts to 3 feet
when the sun and moon act together (FIGS. 124 and 125), and to 1 foot
only when they act at cross purposes (FIGS. 126 and 127), so as to
produce opposite effects. These diagrams, FIGS. 124 to 127,
illustrate spring and neap tides: the dark shading around the globe,
E, representing a water envelope surrounding the earth. There has
been much discussion on the origin of the word neap. It seems to be
an Anglo-Saxon word meaning scanty. Spring seems to be the same as
when we speak of plants springing up. I well remember at the meeting
of the British Association at Edinburgh a French member who, meaning
spring tides, spoke of the grandes marées du printemps. Now you
laugh at this; and yet, though he did not mean it, he was quite
right, for the spring tides in the spring time are greater on the
whole than those at other times, and we have the greatest spring
tides in the spring of the year. But there the analogy ceases, for we
have also very high spring tides in autumn. Still the meaning of the
two words is the same etymologically. Neap tides are scanty tides,
and spring tides are tides which spring up to remarkably great
Fig. 124
Fig. 126
Fig. 127